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Selectmen Minutes 08/01/2006
Chichester Board of Selectmen
August 1, 2006

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Colbert, Selectman DeBold and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00pm.     


Map 3 Lot 12 – Ray’s Auto Body:
The Board reviewed the Planning Board minutes of February and April 1995 relative to the Site Plan approval given by the Planning Board as it relates to the parking area depicting the number of cars allowed on display for sale.  No stipulations are noted in the 1995 minutes or on the revised 1995 site plan. The total number of parking spaces per the 1995 site plan is forty-nine.  According to current zoning regulations, based on the square footage of the building, seven parking spaces must be designated for employees and or customers.  Nothing found in the 1995 Planning Board file indicates that the remaining 42 parking spaces cannot be used for motor vehicles that are intended to be for sale.  The Board directed Lisa to draft a letter to Mr. Lavalley indicating the Board’s findings.

SUBJECT: 17 Ring Road
PRESENT: Mr. Jeff Hapgood
Mr. Hapgood asked the Board for some direction to correct the zoning violation discovered on his property when the realtor marketed the home as a two family.  It has come to the attention of the Board that an apartment exists in the basement.  Mr. Hapgood stated the apartment existed when he purchased the home.  It is a non-conforming use according to the zoning regulations.  Mr. Hapgood was advised he or the prospective buyer (with the Hapgood’s written consent) may apply to the Board of Adjustment for an “Area Variance”.  


Selectman DeBold updated the other two board members on the meeting that took place this morning with himself, the road agent, engineer Bill Rollins and Mr. Mullaney relative to the road agent’s concerns with the level of completion on the roads in the Malachy Glen Subdivision and the amount of the requested bond reduction.  Concerns noted were; loaming/seeding, repair of the sink hole in one of the detention ponds, ditch lines and completion of the road extension known as Kerry South.  The Selectmen concurred that there is enough money remaining in the bond to cover any remaining work that needs to be done.  The Board directed Lisa to send a letter to Mr. Mullaney’s Bank representative, allowing the reduction of the bond amount recommended per the engineers’ report.

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BOS minutes
August 1, 2006


Chairman MacCleery asked that Old Home Day Notices be placed on both sides of the town hall sign.

Chairman MacCleery reminded the other Selectmen that the Board of Adjustment was meeting tomorrow night and the Fournier case was on the agenda.

Selectman DeBold informed the board he had spoken to Dennis Call regarding the Road Advisory Committee.  He was told they have a tentative meeting scheduled for August 15th.  

The Board directed Lisa to send out the Fuel Oil Bids.

Selectman Colbert discussed the issue of the need for the left side of the school ball field to be built up.  He has spoken to a member of the school board and was told the school board is in favor of the work being done.  It was asked if the road agent could put some material on that part of the ball field.  The Board approved of Mr. Kenneally going forward with this as long as the area was well away from any wetlands. Selectman Colbert stated that the area was far enough away from the wetlands.

The Board asked Lisa to set up a budget schedule for the Board to review at next meeting. Also, to send a memo to the Planning Board reminding them that the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) must be updated to be used during the budget cycle.  

The minutes of July 25, 2006 were approved and signed by the Board as corrected.  Correction made to page 2; Depot Road Bridge not Thunder Bridge was cleaned.  
The Board signed a Current Use Levy in the amount of $8,000 for Map 9 Lot 74.

An abatement was granted for a Land Use Change Tax issued in error on Map 4 Lot 171 Sublot A, in the amount of $1030.00

A Cemetery Deed was signed for Albert, Peter & Philip Joyce for Pineground Cemetery.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 9:15pm.

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BOS minutes
August 1, 2006

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant   

Stephen MacCleery, Chairman   

David Colbert  

Richard DeBold  


8/8/2006 – LJS